Prof. Ahmed G. Radwan

Vice President for Research, Nile University Egypt.

Ahmed G. Radwan is the vice president for research, Egypt and a professor in the Mathematics and Physics department in Cairo University, Egypt. Also, he is an IEEE senior member and a member of the Applied Science Research Council, Specialized Scientific Councils (SSC), ASRT, Egypt. Dr. Radwan was the former director of Nanoelectronics Integrated Systems Center (NISC) in Nile University, Egypt and Technical Center for Career Development (TCCD) in Cairo University, Egypt. During 2008 and 2009, he was a visiting Professor in Computational Electromagnetic Lab (CEL), in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department (ECE) in McMaster University, Canada. Then in 2009, he was selected to take part of the first foundation research teams to join King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). 

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Research Published
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Research Published


Dr. Radwan has more than 440 papers, H-index 54, and more than 7200 citations based on Scopus database, 7 international books as well as 18 book chapters in the highly ranked publishers such as Elsevier and Springer. Dr. Radwan has Six US patents in several interdisciplinary topics, and he is the founder of the patent “3D-Fractional order Smith Chart”.


Academic Activities

Ahmed G. Radwan is the vice president for research and a professor in the Mathematics and Physics department in Cairo University, Egypt.

The goal of teaching in my point of view is to achieve the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) of the course and give the students better competencies as well.

Prof. Ahmed G. Radwan

Dr. Radwan Citation June May 2022

Dr. Radwan has 400+ papers, h-index 49, and more than 8000 citations based on the Scopus database. He is the Co-inventor of Six US patents, author/Co-author of Seven international books as well as 23-chapter books in the highly ranked publishers such as Elsevier and Springer. He received many research grants as Principle Investigator (PI), CO-PI, or Consultant from different national/international organizations. He was Invited to be Lead/Guest Editors in Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, and Journal of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, and Complexity. He organized many special sessions, and participated as Technical Program Committee (TPC) in various international conferences. He was selected as a member of the first scientific council of Egyptian Young Academy of Sciences (EYAS) as well as in the first scientific council of the Egyptian Center for the Advancement of Science, Technology, and Innovation (ECASTI) to empower and encourage Egyptian young scientists in science and technology and build knowledge-based societies.

Research Fields

Fractional-order systems and Applications

Fractional calculus is the branch of mathematics related to differentiation and integrations of non-integer orders where the conventional calculus is considered a special case from it. The study of fractional order domain can be categorized as follows:
Numerical techniques that are suitable for FODE and FPDE.
Stability analysis of LTI systems and applications
Generalized theorems related to several dynamical engineering systems.
Approximation techniques that mimic the behavior of these fractional order elements.

Chaotic Systems and Applications

Chaotic behavior is unpredictable due to the high sensitivity to initial conditions, model parameters, computer precision, and even numerical algorithm. Chaotic systems are pseudo-random as they are deterministic but show a very close behavior to random systems which can be used later on in Encryption and security applications.

Design and Applications of Mem-elements

Memristor was firstly introduced as the missing link between flux 𝜑 and charge 𝑞 by Chua in 1971. The importance of the fingerprints (FPs) for the memristive elements is the ability to identify the memristive nature of the system from experimental data. One of the most widely known FP for the mem-elements is the pinched hysteresis loop (PHL). Several research tracks are related to this topic such as neuromorphic systems, multi-level arithmetic systems, crossbar memory synthesis, … etc.

Bio-impedance for Food Quality

 The cell consists of intracellular fluid, cell membranes surrounded by the conductive extracellular fluid which show frequency dependent behavior under electrical excitation where a bio-impedance is produced. Bio-impedance refers to the electrical properties of a biological tissue which depends on tissue composition, structures, health status, and applied signal frequency. Different fractional-order models are used to extract some data from the vegetables/fruits like the EEG

Supercapacitors and Energy Storage Elements

Renewable energy sources provide a promising alternative to fossil fuel-based power generation as the latter is limited in quantity and is expected to be completely consumed sooner or later. Examples of renewable energy resources in Egypt include solar energy, wind energy, and hydro-electric energy. My work aims to study the effect of applying fractional order modeling techniques on supercapacitors and fabricated CPEs and how it will affect their efficiency, state of charge, state of health and other performance metrics.

Biomedical Engineering

The neuron is the basic cell of the brain, and its objective is to transfer information to other body cells. Recently, different research studies discussed the modeling of neuron types using different techniques. Modeling, synchronization, and implementation of neurons are some of my research interests. Also, Inverse problem using Electromagnetic waves can be used for the detection of breast cancer.

Wastewater Treatments

Wastewater treatment is the process of recycling wastewater to be reused. Egypt, as a developing country, although having the Nile River as the first and fundamental water source, it suffers from many issues in water distribution and water management. There are several types of reactors and therefore mathematical modeling of these reactors are very important to improve the efficiency.

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