Professional Academic Activities

academic activities

Teaching Activities

The goal of teaching in my point of view is to achieve the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) of the course and give the students better competencies as well. This can be realized by dividing the course into a homogenous sequence and to illustrate the target simply using basics and fundamental knowledge. Also, the student skills can be improved by teaching them to be cooperative, independent thinkers, organized, able to formulate new ideas and last but not least to engage in team brain storming. I spent more than 20 years in teaching basic and advanced mathematical courses in several public and private Egyptian high ranked universities. I supervised assistants and students as a part of my daily job. I attended many courses to enhance teaching performance such as: communication skills, examination and student evaluation techniques, quality standards in teaching, E-Learning, credit hour system, teaching evaluation, curriculum design, and advanced electronic information resources.

List of University Courses Taught: 

Undergraduate courses

(Cairo University, German University in Cairo, Nile University)  

  1. Signals and Systems ( LTI, Fourier series, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z transform, sampling,..) 
  2. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits I, II (circuit elements, DC, AC, solving techniques, two-port network, resonance, applications of op-amps, passive filters, ….) 
  3. Analog Integrated Circuit and Design (Amplifier topologies, feedback, differential pair, frequency response, output stages, operational amplifier, applications, active filters, oscillators, …) 
  4. Mathematics for Pharmaceuticals (basics fundamentals of calculus, basic fundamentals of algebra, statistics, pharmaceutical applications of linear algebra and eigenvalue problems,..).  
  5. Calculus, linear algebra, Fourier series, multiple integrals, and Laplace transform. 
  6. Differential equation, partial Differential Equations, and their applications. 
  7. Numerical Techniques. 
  8. Computer programming with C, C++.
Undergraduate courses

Postgraduate courses: – (Cairo University, Nile University)  

  1. Chaos theory and fractal geometry (The concept of fractals, bifurcations with examples, chaos, characteristics of chaotic systems, examples on chaotic differential equations, applications on encryptions) 
  2. Fractional-order generalization of the conventional circuit theory (the concept of fractional-calculus, fractional-order elements, fractional-order oscillators, fractional-order stability, fractional-order filters, ..) 
  3. Selected topics in Mathematical modeling (biomedical examples such as the neuron systems) 
  4. Numerical Solutions of Integral Equations 
  5. Advanced linear algebra. 
  6. Directed Studies (Microelectronics Systems Design MSD Program)

Administrative and Volunteering Experiences

Vice President for Research, Nile University in the interval from Sept. 2017

 up to now with the following tasks:- 

  • Follow-up all research activities, publications, seminars, workshops, and scientific training inside Nile University. 
  • Manage all the processes that are related to national/international grants and sponsored projects. 
  • Responsible for all research collaborations and MOU between NU and national/international universities. 
  • Follow up all administrative tasks related to research centers, faculty members, research assistants, and researchers.  
Center Director of the Technical Center for Career Development (TCCD), Cairo University during the intervals [Sept. 2016 – Sept. 2017] and [January 2013–Sept. 2014].
  • The objectives of this job can be summarized as follows: – 
  • Frequently advertising and/or managing applications to training and job opportunities.  
  • Organize recruitment events and annual fair for employment and training for companies. 
  • Organizing training courses, seminars, and workshops for engineers to develop their soft skills and entrepreneurship. 
  • Inviting companies/industries to support graduation projects and to offer summer internships and training. 
Selected to be a member (among 15 young professors in all scientific fields inside Egypt since 2014) in the Egyptian Young Academy of Science (EYAS) and the Academy of Science Research and Technology (ASRT).
  • The main objective of EYAS is strengthening scientific education and careers by encouraging scientific activities as follows: – 
  • Organize events to enable all the society to practice the science (science clubs, festivals, Cairo Innovates). 
  • Simplify the complicated science theory and attract the society towards science (scientific explainers). 
  • Enhancing public awareness of science and improving science communication in Egypt 
  • Scientific survey to address the lack of evidence on the profiles and research experiences of postgraduate. 
Selected to be a member (among 50 experts in all scientific fields inside/outside Egypt since 2014) in the Egyptian Center for the Advancement of Science, Technology, and Innovation; ECASTI.  


The main objective is to build knowledge-based societies, it is essential to integrate Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) into national development policies and economic reform agendas, as STI can be a game changer for countries pursuing sustainable development over the long term. 

Center Director of Nano-electronics Integrated Systems Center (NISC), Nile University, May 2014 – Sept. 2017.

Responsible for the Research Center Strategy, performance indicators, and development review processes. 

  • Support RAs by seminars, workshops, technical-lectures, and national/international training session. 
  • Fund raising, writing proposals, follow grant office manual, technical and financial reports. 
  • Supervise, managing effectively and efficiently the Research Assistants (RAs) and senior researchers. 
Selected to be MC Observer to European Cooperation in Science and Technology, COST Action CA15225
  • Encourage interdisciplinary research collaboration between faculty members in the fractional-order domain.   
  • Organize periodic seminars and hands-on workshops for young researchers in different countries. 
  • Discuss the future plans in the annual meetings with top-researchers in all related tracks of fractional calculus.  
Selected to be the Counselor of the IEEE Nile University Student Branch (NUSB) in the interval from Oct. 2014- 2016.
  • Several activities have been introduced during this interval such as: 
  • Manage many awareness sessions such as (“The Power of Crisis” 26th – 28th March 2015). 
  • Organize many events such as (“To Boldly Go: The Experience and Majesty of Space” 29th April 2015). 
  • Educational and Funny trips such as (“EED Trip” 30th August & 1st September 2015) 
  • Help the students in software camping and training such as: (C++ Coding Camp) 
  • Manage some technical workshops such as (Encryption sessions and RAs seminars) 
Selected to join different academic committees in Cairo and Nile Universities for different prospective
  • such as:  
  • NU Dean Selection Committee 
  • NU Postgraduate Manual (Chair) 
  • NU Grant-Office Manual (Chair) 
  • Quality Assurance Committee 
  • TCCD Management Council 
  • TAs and RAs Hiring Committee 

Academic Activities, Conferences, and Reviewing Experiences

Selected to join different academic committees in Cairo and Nile Universities for different prospective
  • such as:  
  • NU Dean Selection Committee 
  • NU Postgraduate Manual (Chair) 
  • NU Grant-Office Manual (Chair) 
  • Quality Assurance Committee 
  • TCCD Management Council 
  • TAs and RAs Hiring Committee 
Conference Co-chair, and technical program Co-chair of the international conference of Microelectronics (ICM2016)
  • which was held in Egypt in the interval from 17 -20 Dec. 2016. Several activities have been managed during this work, participants from more than 27 countries, more than 100 int. papers have been accepted with an acceptance rate of 56%.  
Invited as a member in the First KAUST Study Group in Mathematics for Industry 23- 26 Jan.
  • 2011 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), (Saudi Arabia) In association with the Oxford Centre for Collaborative Applied Mathematics (OCCAM) under the title “Study Group for posing and solving industrial problems”.  
Co-chairman and organizer of the workshop "Computational Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Systems IV," 6 June 2013

 Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt. 

Co-chairman and organizer of the workshop "Computational Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Systems V,"

 31 May 2014, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt. 

Selected to be in the scientific committee of many international conferences
    •  such as: – 
    • Second International Conference of Arabic Impact Factor, 6 – 9 May 2017, Egypt. 
    • International Conference of Woman in Science Without Boarders – WISWB, 21 – 23 March 2017, Egypt. 
    • First International Conference for Mathematics and Applications (ICMA15), Dec. 2015, Cairo, Egypt. 
    • 22nd International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS15), Dec. 2015, Cairo, Egypt 
Selected as Industrial Sessions Co-Chair, and session chair in The International Conference on Engineering and Technology

(ICET 2012), German University in Cairo (GUC), Cairo, Egypt, 10 -11 Oct. 2012. 

Selected as Publicity Co-Chair, and session chair in the 7th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies
  • (MOCAST2018), Greece,7 – 9 May 2018. 
Selected to be one of the organizing committee in the “Women in Science Without Boarders-WISWB:
  •  Bridging, Networking and Sustainable Development”, Egypt, 21 – 23 March 2017. 
Selected as an invited speaker to participate in the COST/IEEE-CASS FRACTAL: Seasonal Training School in Fractional-Order Systems in Brno, Czech Republic
  • IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. 
Selected to be in the Technical Program Committee of many international conferences
  • such as:  
  • International conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), 2017. 
  • 4th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information Technology. CEIT- 2016. 
  • Int. Symposium Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, NOLTA 2015. 
  • International Conference on Electronic Design 2014 (ICED’14) 
  • The first International Postgraduate Colloquium on Science and Technology 2014 (IPCOST)  
  • IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering & Industrial Applications, ISBEIA 2014. 
  • International Symposium on Research of Arts, Design, and Humanities, ISRADH 2014 
  • IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science, and Engineering, SHUSER 2013.  
Selected as a reviewer for many journals as follows: 


International journals such as:  

  • Physica A 
  • IEEE Trans. Cir. Sys. II 
  • Microelectronics Journal 
  • IEEE Trans. Cir. Sys. I 
  • Nonlinear dynamics 
  • Electronic Device Letters 
  • Neural Networks 
  • Optics and Lasers in Engineering 
  • Radioengineering Journal 
  • IET Signal Processing 
  • ISA Transactions 
  • Mathematical Problems in Engineering 
  • J. of Advanced Research 
  • IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 
  • Journal of Computational Science 
  • Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 
  • Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung 
  • Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos 
  • IEEE Access 
  • Journal of Testing and Evaluation 
  • Advances in Mechanical Engineering 
  • Frequenz 
  • Revista Mexicana De Fisica 
  • Applied Mathematical Modelling 
  • J. of Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing 
  • Progress In Electromagnetics Research PIER 
  • Int. Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 
  • Int. J. of Electronics and Communications 
  • J. of Circuit System and Computers 
  • Computers and Mathematics with applications 
  • IEEE Transactions on Very Large-Scale Integration Systems 
  • Abstract and Applied Analysis journal 
  • World Journal of Modelling and Simulation 
  • Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
  • Journal of Taibah University for Science 
  • Iranian Journal of Science and Technology 
  • Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications 
  • The Scientific World Journal (Hindawi) 
  • Journal of Engineering and Applied Science  
  • Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 
  • Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 
  • Complexity 
  • The European Physical Journal Special Topics 
  • Tuning Journal for Higher Education 
  • Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing  
  • J. of Applied and Computational Mathematics 
  • J. on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 
  • Selected as a reviewer for many conferences as follows: 

International conferences such as:  

  • PIER 
  • ECCTD 
  • AES 


Supervised more than 12 PhDs and 19 M.Sc. students under different disciplines and in different universities.


He reinitiated the Nanoelectronics Integrated Systems Center (NISC) since 2015 till now after the center was in a closed mode. He restructured the center again with few RAs and colleagues, changed the researcher tracks, build the website, participated in many conferences and grants. 

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