This paper presents a study of fractional order oscillators based on current feedback operational amplifiers (CFOA). Two general cases have been discussed for the oscillation frequency and condition with the use of two fractional order elements of different orders. Design procedure for the two general cases is illustrated with numerical discussions. Circuit simulations for some special cases are presented to validate the theoretical findings. The simulations have been done using Ad844 commercial CFOA model © 2014 IEEE.
Fractional order oscillators with single non-zero transmission matrix element
This paper presents a study of fractional order oscillator design based on a matrix. The presented oscillator consists of a general two port network and three impedances. Only two port with single element in its transmission matrix is discussed which gives four possible networks. Different combinations for one element have been investigated. The impedances associated with the studied networks are series or parallel connection of resistors in addition to fractional order capacitors. The characteristic equation, oscillation frequency and condition for each combination are introduced. Numerical discussions of the presented oscillators with Spice simulations are presented to validate the theoretical findings. © 2015 IEEE.
Generalized delayed logistic map suitable for pseudo-random number generation
This paper presents the generalization of a delayed version of the logistic map. The effect of the added two general parameters is studied, which offers the option of having three different maps. The dynamic behavior of the vertical, zooming and the general map is analyzed. The study of the fixed points, stability ranges and bifurcation diagram of the delayed logistic map at hand is detailed in this work. The flow of the system behavior from stability to chaos is also presented with its transient response as well as its phase plane portraits. Moreover, using the general parameters, the option of designing any specific map is validated by some design examples, which makes it more optimal for any specific applications. The added general parameters offer increased randomness with controllability of the map design, making it more suitable for pseudo-random sequence generators which are used in image encryption algorithms and in secure communication transfer. © 2015 IEEE.
Generalized fractional logistic map suitable for data encryption
This paper presents the generalization of a delayed version of the logistic map
Memristor-based redundant binary adder
This paper introduces a memristor based ternary adder, which is an essential building block for any arithmetic ternary operations
The effect of multi-scrolls distribution on image encryption
This paper introduces two generalized tent maps where the conventional map is a special case
2T2M memristor-based memory cell for higher stability RRAM modules
This paper introduces a novel 2T2M memristor based memory cell which, offers higher stability and noise margins than previous works
An image encryption system based on generalized discrete maps
This paper presents a new image encryption scheme based on the fractional-order Lorenz system which gives more degrees of freedom in key generation
Multi-phase oscillator for higher-order PSK applications
Multi-phase oscillator is an essential block in digital communication systems especially phase shift keying PSK based systems
Memristor-less current- and voltage-controlled meminductor emulators
This paper introduces two mathematical models of meminductor based on a simple symmetrical double-loop equation with their generic formulas and analysis