A few special chaotic systems without unstable equilibrium points have been investigated recently
Fractional-order and memristive nonlinear systems: Advances and applications
Chaotic systems are nonlinear dynamical systems which are sensitive to initial conditions, topologically mixing, and with dense periodic orbits
New Trends on Modeling, Design, and Control of Chaotic Systems
Nowadays, one of the most studied phenomena is chaos into the nonlinear dynamical systems.
Control and synchronization of fractional-order chaotic systems
The chaotic dynamics of fractional-order systems and their applications in secure communication have gained the attention of many recent researches
Generalized dynamic switched synchronization between combinations of fractional-order chaotic systems
This paper proposes a novel generalized switched synchronization scheme among n fractional-order chaotic systems with various operatingmodes
Finite precision logistic map between computational efficiency and accuracy with encryption applications
Chaotic systems appear in many applications such as pseudo-random number generation, text encryption, and secure image transfer
Generalized smooth transition map between tent and logistic maps
There is a continuous demand on novel chaotic generators to be employed in various modeling and pseudo-random number generation applications
Low-voltage commercial super-capacitor response to periodic linear-with-time current excitation: A case study
The response of a commercial super-capacitor to an applied periodic current excitation in the form of a triangular waveform is investigated in this study
Biological inspired optimization algorithms for cole-impedance parameters identification
This paper introduces new meta-heuristic optimization algorithms for extracting the parameters of the Cole-impedance model
Experimental comparison of integer/fractional-order electrical models of plant
In this paper, different integer and fractional-order models are studied from electrical point of view, these models are used to fit the measured impedance data for different types of fruits and vegetables