Bio-impedance measurement has been used as an indicator for specific physical and chemical changes in food products, fruits and vegetables, cancer detection and other applications
Aging effect on apples bio-impedance using AD5933
In this paper, the effect of the fruits aging on bio-impedance is experimentally studied
Generalized synchronization involving a linear combination of fractional-order chaotic systems
In this paper, a generalized scheme for synchronizing a fractional order chaotic system with another one or with a linear combination of two other fractional order chaotic systems is presented
Switched active control synchronization of three fractional order chaotic systems
This paper discusses the continuous effect of fractional order parameter on two chaotic systems
Analysis and Design of Fractional-order Low-pass Filter with Three Elements of Independent Orders
This paper studies a new fractional-order form for the active low-pass filter
Analysis of bus width and delay on a fully digital signum nonlinearity chaotic oscillator
This paper introduces the first fully digital implementation of a 3rd order ODE-based chaotic oscillator with signum nonlinearity
Message from the technical program chairs
Presents the introductory welcome message from the conference proceedings.
Generalized fractional logistic map suitable for data encryption
This paper presents the generalization of a delayed version of the logistic map
Fractional-Order Generalized Gene Regulation Model CCII-Based Practical Emulator
This paper presents a complete analysis of the mathematical model of the gene regulation process
Memristor-based redundant binary adder
This paper introduces a memristor based ternary adder, which is an essential building block for any arithmetic ternary operations