A Secured Lossless Visual Secret Sharing for Color Images Using Arnold Transform


Nowadays, with the rapid growth in information, a fast and secure method is eagerly needed to share images. (n, n)-Visual Secret Sharing (VSS) is used to share a secret image into n shares, where the secret can only be recovered using all the n shares and the recovery must be fast with low computational complexity. This paper proposes a secured lossless (n, n)-VSS system based on Arnold transform and pixel vectorization suitable to be used with binary, grayscale and color images. Multiple security tests were performed such as entropy, correlation, Mean Squared Error (MSE), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) SP-800-22 statistical suite, and differential attacks, which demonstrate the good security of the proposed system. In addition, the time complexity and runtime of the recovery system indicate good efficiency. © 2022 IEEE.


Sharobim B.K., Abd-El-Hafiz S.K., Sayed W.S., Said L.A., Radwan A.G.

Document Type


2022 International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM 2022, Doi:10.1109/ICM56065.2022.10005395

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