Active and passive sensitivity analysis for the second-order active RC filter families using operational amplifier: a review


This work is a review article that sheds light on the active and passive sensitivities of the active RC filters based on opamp. This work provides a detailed analysis through different filters realization criteria and sensitivity summary tables and quantitative insight by discussing the most significant. However, some are almost forgotten, filters families in the literature over decades. A detailed mathematical analysis for the passive sensitivity to compare the filters’ realizations is presented. The concept of dealing between filter design theory and filter design circuit realization is highlighted. Some filters families are chosen from the literature for the analysis. Some detailed specifications tables for each filter family are given. Monte Carlo simulation is carried out on some filters to compare their passive sensitivity. Furthermore, the effect of the active sensitivity of some filters is verified through simulation by adjusting the input common-mode voltage to lower the DC gain of the amplifier. The results of the simulation match with the theoretical analysis and the summary provided in the specifications tables. © 2022, The Author(s).


Hassanein A.M., Said L.A., Madian A.H., Radwan A.G., Soliman A.M.


Document Type



Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Doi:10.1007/s10470-022-02079-y

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