Fractional-order Memristor Response Under DC and Periodic Signals


Recently, there is an essential demand to extend the fundamentals of the conventional circuit theory to include the new generalized elements, fractional-order elements, and mem-elements due to their unique properties. This paper presents the relationships between seven different elements based on the four physical quantities and the fractional-order derivatives. One of them is the Fractional-order memristor, where the memristor dynamic is expressed by fractional-order derivative. This element merge the memristive and fractional-order concepts together where the conventional modeling becomes a special case. Moreover, the mathematical modeling of the fractional-order memristor is introduced. In addition, the response of applying DC, sinusoidal, and nonsinusoidal periodic signals is discussed. Finally, different numerical simulations are presented. © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media New York.


Fouda M.E., Radwan A.G.


Document Type



Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Doi:10.1007/s00034-014-9886-2

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