In this paper, a general analysis of the generation for all possible fractional order oscillators based on two-port network is presented. Three different two-port network classifications are used with three external single impedances, where two are fractional order capacitors and a resistor. Three possible impedance combinations for each classification are investigated, which give nine possible oscillators. The characteristic equation, oscillation frequency and condition for each presented topology are derived in terms of the transmission matrix elements and the fractional order parameters ? and ?. Mapping between some cases is also illustrated based on similarity in the characteristic equation. The use of fractional order elements ? and ? adds extra degrees of freedom, which increases the design flexibility and frequency band, and provides extra constraints on the phase difference. Study of four different active elements, such as voltage-controlled current source, gyrator, op-amp-based network, and second-generation current-conveyor-based network, serve as a two-port network is presented. The general analytical formulas of the oscillation frequency and condition as well as the phase difference between the two oscillatory outputs are derived and summarized in tables for each designed oscillator network. A comparison between fractional order oscillators with their integer order counterparts is also illustrated where some designs cannot work in the integer case. Numerical Spice simulations and experimental results are given to validate the presented analysis. © 2015, Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Said L.A., Radwan A.G., Madian A.H., Soliman A.M.
Document Type
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Doi:10.1007/s00034-015-0200-8