Meminductor response under periodic current excitations


Recently, the mem-elements-based circuits have been addressed frequently in the nonlinear circuit theory due to their unique behavior. Thus, the modeling and characterizing of the mem-elements has become essential, especially studying their response under any excitation signal. This paper investigates the response of the meminductor under DC, sinusoidal, and periodic current signals for the first time. Furthermore, a meminductor emulator is developed to fit the obtained formulas which are built using commercial off the shelf components. The proposed analysis offers closed form expressions for the meminductance for each case. Moreover, many fundamentals and properties are derived to understand the responses such as the maximum saturation time in case of the DC response. A general closed form expression for the meminductance is derived under any periodic waveform, and this formula has been validated by applying a square wave as an example. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


Fouda M.E., Radwan A.G.


Document Type



Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Doi:10.1007/s00034-013-9708-y

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