DC motors are commonly employed in many industrial applications due to their various advantages. This study aims to compare the response of the Oustaloup-Recursive-Approximation (ORA) and El-Khazali’s approximation method in controlling a DC motor with a FOPID controller. The two employed methods are used to design the FOPID and approximate. For various fractional orders, many behaviours are presented. A simulation comparison between these methods is performed regarding overshoot, settling time and rise time. © 2022 IEEE.
Blind Watermarking Using DCT and Fractional-Order Lorenz System
This paper presents a new blind watermarking system based on the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). The system’s security is increased by encrypting the watermark image using the fractional-order Lorenz system. After converting the cover image to the YCbCr color domain, DCT is applied on the Y channel and embedding of the encrypted watermark is performed in the frequency domain. The fractional-order Lorenz system has more parameters than the integer order system, which increase the length of the system key and make it secure against brute-force attacks. Although blind detection of the watermark is not easy, the proposed algorithm successfully detects the hidden watermark by using statistical properties of the DCT coefficients. Standard imperceptibility and robustness measures are used to evaluate the proposed system, and the results are good. © 2022 IEEE.
Progressive Multi-Secret Sharing of Color Images Using Lorenz Chaotic System
Multi-Secret Image Sharing (MSIS) systems share multiple images to multiple participants in unintelligible forms that can be recovered using all the shares. This paper employs the concept of progressive secret sharing with MSIS to introduce a new system, where the number of used shares in the recovery process defines the quality of the recovered secrets. The proposed system works for any number of secret color images, and is lossless when all the shares are present. The Lorenz chaotic system, which is numerically solved using Euler method, is used as source of randomness to encrypt the secret images. Image encryption utilizes a long system key to perform the substitution and permutation stages. The system passes all security tests, including statistical analysis and key sensitivity, and it is also robust to noise and crop attacks. The analysis results are within the required ranges for a good encryption system, and they are better than those of the compared MSIS systems. © 2023 IEEE.
A Comparative Study of Different Chaotic Systems in Path Planning for Surveillance Applications
This paper compares the performance of four different chaotic systems in path planning for surveillance applications. The four investigated systems are Lorenz, Arneodo, Liu, and Chen. While the Lorenz system was employed in a similar application before, Arneodo, Liu, and Chen systems are newly introduced in this paper. A bounded-grid chaotic path planner is proposed based on the mirror mapping technique, which keeps the robot bounded in the terrain and prevents it from going outside. The effect of using different state variables of each chaotic system to control the motion angle of the robot is discussed and shown to have a significant impact on the robot’s performance. The obtained trajectory and several performance metrics show promising results of the chaotic path planner for the four systems. © 2021 IEEE.
Chaos-Based Image Encryption Using DNA Manipulation and a Modified Arnold Transform
Digital images, which we store and communicate everyday, may contain confidential information that must not be exposed to others. Numerous researches are interested in encryption, which protects the images from ending up in the hands of unauthorized third parties. This paper proposes an image encryption scheme using chaotic systems, DNA manipulation, and a modified Arnold transform. Both DNA manipulation and hyperchaotic Lorenz system are utilized in the substitution of the images’ pixel values. An additional role of hyperchaotic Lorenz system is that it generates the random numbers required within the DNA manipulation steps. DNA cycling is implemented based on simple DNA coding rules and DNA addition and subtraction rules with modulus operation. The modified Arnold transform alters the pixels’ positions, where it guarantees effective pixel permutation that never outputs the same input pixels arrangement again. The proposed design is simple and amenable for hardware realization. Several well established performance evaluation tests including statistical properties of the encrypted image, key space, and differential attack analysis were conducted for several images. The proposed scheme passed the tests and demonstrated good results compared to several recent chaos-based image encryption schemes. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
A Unified System for Encryption and Multi-Secret Image Sharing Using S-box and CRT
Multi-Secret Image Sharing (MSIS) is used when multiple images need to be shared to multiple participants, but the images can not be recovered without the presence of all shares. In this paper, a unified system for performing encryption and (n,n)-MSIS is proposed. While MSIS is based on the XOR operation, encryption combines the utilization of Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), SHA-256, and S-box for improved security. The same designed system is used for the generation of secret shares and the recovery of secret images. In addition, a sensitive system key is designed where three pairwise relatively prime subkeys are automatically generated for utilization in the CRT. The resulting secret shares pass statistical evaluation criteria such as RMSE, correlation, and entropy, and give good results for differential attack measures, and runtime. In addition, the proposed system succeeds in passing the NIST SP-800-22 statistical test suite and key sensitivity measures. © 2022 IEEE.
PRNG Using Primitive Roots of Primes and its Utilization in Chess-based Image Encryption
Recently, number theory has proved its importance in cryptography because of its well-known hard problems. For instance, a primitive root for a prime number shows a special property of uniqueness when raised to different powers mod the prime number. In this paper, a Pseudorandom Number Generator (PRNG) is designed based on this property using a prime number and some of its primitive roots. The PRNG is, first, validated for utilization in cryptography applications using histograms, correlation coefficients, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) statistical test suite. Then, the PRNG is utilized in an image encryption system and the system security is tested using statistical measures, differential attack measures, and sensitivity to one-bit change. The results are promising and in the expected good ranges. © 2022 IEEE.
Generic Hardware Realization of K Nearest Neighbors on FPGA
K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm is a straight-forward yet powerful Machine Learning (ML) tool widely used in classification, clustering, and regression applications. In this work, KNN is applied, with three distance metrics, to classify different datasets, experimentally testing each distance metric effect on the classification performance. A static K is applied for the whole dataset optimally chosen based on a 5-fold cross-validation. A reconfigurable hardware realization on field programmable gate array (FPGA) of each distance metric applying selection sort algorithm is proposed. The FPGA realization reaches a throughput up to 4.44 Gbit/sec while only occupying 1% of the Genesys 2 Kintex-7 board area. The algorithm managed to classify all the tested datasets with above 90% accuracy. © 2022 IEEE.
Registerless Multiplierless YCoCg-R and YCoCg Color Space Converters Hardware Implementation
Multimedia data, e.g., images and videos, are widely used over the internet and on computers. Image processing applications require color space conversion to be able to deal with these types of data more efficiently. This paper investigates three color space conversions and proposes simplified combinational hardware designs and FPGA realizations for RGB to YCoCg-R and YCoCg color spaces encoders and decoders and compares them to their sequential counterparts. The proposed hardware design for the encoders and decoders uses only adders and subtractors without any registers or multipliers. The proposed YCoCg-R converter exhibits better resources utilization compared to implementing the design using shift registers, where it uses 56.3% and 72.1% less LUTs and FFs, respectively. Similarly for the YCoCg color space, the combinational design used 48.1% less LUTs and 67.8% less FFs than its sequential counterpart. © 2022 IEEE.
Image encryption in the fractional-order domain
This paper presents a new image encryption scheme based on the fractional-order Lorenz system which gives more degrees of freedom in key generation. In the modified fractional-order system, the key length is doubled using the three fractional-orde r parameters beside the three initial conditions, which makes it invulnerable to brute-force attacks. In addition, using a very simple algorithm, based on pixel confusion only, strongly encrypted images are produced. Such an algorithm can be used in real time applications. To evaluate the algorithm and analyze the encryption results, a standard image is used. A comparison of the colored correlation coefficients (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) for different cases with respect to a fractional-order parameter and another system parameter are introduced. Moreover, the encrypted image shows high sensitivity to the fractional-order key, which appears from the wrong decryption with 0.1% change of the fractional-order parameter. © 2012 IEEE.