This paper introduces new meta-heuristic optimization algorithms for extracting the parameters of the Cole-impedance model
Experimental comparison of integer/fractional-order electrical models of plant
In this paper, different integer and fractional-order models are studied from electrical point of view, these models are used to fit the measured impedance data for different types of fruits and vegetables
Banana ripening and corresponding variations in bio-impedance and glucose levels
Bio-impedance measurement has been used as an indicator for specific physical and chemical changes in food products, fruits and vegetables, cancer detection and other applications
Heating and Freezing Injury to Plant Tissues and Their Effect on Bioimpedance: Experimental Study
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) has been used as a technique for the assessment of food attributes
Simple MOS transistor-based realization of fractional-order capacitors
A new second-order MOS transistor based circuit block approximating the behavior of a fractional-order capacitor is proposed